APF. KAFE 於 建築雙城雙年展 2017 期間限定店/快閃店
廣州的 APF. KAFE 咖啡店,著名於使用來自世界各地優質材料,如澳洲咖啡豆及日本抹茶。另一邊,UABB 深港雙城展 今年的主題是城市共生,其中城中村最近又是個莫大又複雜的議題。這次 Pop-up 店的視覺設計,我們從主題中提取出廣東舊式綠白型街磚,融合高密集樓宇的一屋一格樣式。最終採用立體方格式的元素來將 APF.KAFE 和 UABB 二者融為一體。
Pop-up Store of APF. KAFE in UABB 2017
This is the redesigned visual system for APF.KAFE's pop-up store, participating in the BI-CITY BIENNALE OF URBANISMARCHITECTURE. In order to better integrate into the exhibition's theme, "Urban Symbiosis," we decided to incorporate "three-dimensional Grid" elements into this system update. This not only retains the basic shapes but also combines visual effects to display "Mosaic" – a mosaic art form using small stones, shells, ceramic tiles, glass, and other colorful inserts as materials. The distinctive packaging aligns with the extremely high-density populated environment of the exhibition location – "Urban Village" in Nantou, Shenzhen. The independent grid shares similarities with the inclusiveness displayed by the narrow and limited "Urban Village." Simultaneously, it aligns with the lifestyle concept and social pattern that APF.KAFE aims to establish. A complete and independent system, a diverse and individual "Urban Village," this redesign fully integrates the conservation and development program of public space reconstruction and boundary remodeling.
This is the redesigned visual system for APF.KAFE's pop-up store, participating in the BI-CITY BIENNALE OF URBANISMARCHITECTURE. In order to better integrate into the exhibition's theme, "Urban Symbiosis," we decided to incorporate "three-dimensional Grid" elements into this system update. This not only retains the basic shapes but also combines visual effects to display "Mosaic" – a mosaic art form using small stones, shells, ceramic tiles, glass, and other colorful inserts as materials. The distinctive packaging aligns with the extremely high-density populated environment of the exhibition location – "Urban Village" in Nantou, Shenzhen. The independent grid shares similarities with the inclusiveness displayed by the narrow and limited "Urban Village." Simultaneously, it aligns with the lifestyle concept and social pattern that APF.KAFE aims to establish. A complete and independent system, a diverse and individual "Urban Village," this redesign fully integrates the conservation and development program of public space reconstruction and boundary remodeling.
* Pop-up on Bi-City Biennale of UrbanismArchitecture (Hong Kong / Shenzhen, China)
* 深港城市建築雙城雙年展 2017 期間限定店/快閃店
Add: A4, Wanli Industrial Zone, Nanshan, Shenzhen
址:深圳 南山 南頭古城 萬力工業區 A4