
Timmie Sweetie | 甜甜同學
Branding Design 2021 | 品牌形象設計 2021
Foshan, China | 中國 佛山

甜甜同學 是一個以大範圍覆蓋作為目標的連鎖零食品牌。 品牌以「甜」,「鄰家女孩」,作為核心。其英文名字經仔細考慮後採用了”Timmie Sweetie”,Timmie 除了是與甜發音較相似之外,更是一個希臘神話中神聖女性的名字; Sweetie 這個專門形容鄰家女孩的字更當仁不讓。


Timmie Sweetie is a widely-targeted chain snack brand from Foshan, China, centered around sweetness and a girl-next-door vibe. The branding design project focused on creating a unique logo that embodied the brand's core values. With a flat, bold brushstroke design, the logo utilized a repetition symbol for increased customer recognition. The character "学" was artistically modified, incorporating the letter "W," a key consonant in the English word "sweet," to enhance the brand's message. This clever graphic design solution seamlessly bridges the Chinese and English brand concepts.

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