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Since 2014 Ngon Tong Colour Collection  
- 在地文化的保育

Since 2014 Ngon Tong Colour Collection ︎
Ngon Tong Colour Collection is an experimental project that giving a ‘visual branding’ to the village called Ngon Tong(安堂).


Fig.1 2014 Google Earth


Branding idea since 2014

Branding idea since 2014

Our 18 people group took more than 300 photos.

Ngon Tong Colour Collection
has lighted up the village, this time we come back with an exhibition. By illustrating our enthusiasm for this village, people could know more about us and this village.

Ngon Tong, Zhuhai | 珠海,安堂

Updated (15 June 2018 ):


Ngon Tong Color Collection has been a combination of many art workers from various fields since 2015. We have been absorbing the design experience from various countries.  The technics will be applied back on the Ngon Tong village.

Invited by TEDx Antong 2015.
2015 受 TEDx talk (xAntong) 邀請演講。

階段總結 (2019):

我們認為這樣的工作是具有極大社會意義的。不拘泥於單純學習外國案例(如墨爾本「Bluestone Laneways」,台灣「都市酵母」),我們更注重人與村落的溝通,重新思考舊時代人與物之間的關係以及未來的可能性。

並發現這是一個發展過快的新城鎮所嚴重缺乏的(並且是非常典型的嚴重的現象看,歷史看來如香港重慶大廈,曼谷的Siam Square,及孟買的眾多街道)(Hou and Chalana, 2016)。通過改善這種關係,不僅有助於治安,人之間關係,居住者與外來者(大量的大學生成為流動人口/商業的加入)的關係的改善,更創造都市文化,市鎮形象(幫助吸收優質商業,移民)。而,根據 Lang(2011),改善「城市形象」與「城市品牌」正正是改善上述關係的方法。



Lang, J. (2011) City Branding. Companion to Urban Design.

Hou, J., Chalana, M. (2016). ‘Untangling the ‘Messy’ Asian City’ In Messy Urbanism: Understanding the “other” cities of Asia, Manish Chalana and Jeffrey You [eds] Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1-21.

2018 The Exhibition in the Upcafe, Ngon Tong.

2018 The Exhibition in the Upcafe, Ngon Tong.

2018 The Exhibition in the Upcafe, Ngon Tong.

PDF Version ︎

Hosier Lane (photographed c.1972) was resurfaced in asphalt in the lead up to the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games